Hi everyone,
I took my toddler to the Marina Garden Center last Wednesday morning to try to take some photos of her with the pumpkins, and yep those also go straight to her mouth! 🤣
Pretty challenging to take photos of toddlers.... This one is my favorite of the series. And even then, i'm not 100% happy with it because her eyes are not as sharp as I usually like to get them! She just moves soooo much right now! 15 months! haha! But hey, I got one! And she is sooooo cute!!!!
I got there at 8 am (right when it opens) and the light was already pretty strong... What to do then? Shade, shade, shade...!!! tiny little shady spot right there! Sat her down, adjusted the pumpkins and her body, removed her shoes that totally didn't match her outfit, grabbed a pumpkin, hand it to her... and click-clack! 1 min later she was running to the water fountain right behind me!!! :P
That's it for the story!! ;) Hoping to get more soon, I still have a couple weeks before the patches are all gone!